A-levels Results Day: The 3 Options

empty exam desks
photo by dcJohn

I suspect most have their results by now, suddenly it is decision time.

For those of you lucky enough to get the results that allow you to go to the uni of your choice, congratulations, you may as well stop reading now and go to the pub.

If your results didn’t go your way there remains 2 options, change direction/resit or clearing.

Since the first option is totally up to you, I’m going to look at the clearing process. Continue reading A-levels Results Day: The 3 Options

Student Loan Interest Rates To Fall


*Update 27/4/09* Due to the rapidly changing economic climate, this post is a little outdated. I recommend reading my latest post on the ‘current situation’

A bit of positive news after last years shocking interest rate rise. Student loans may see the rate fall from currently 4.8% to 3.8%. Although not confirmed yet, it looks like it will fall. This is most likely to change in September.

But how is the rate calculated? Well the Government’s aim is to set the rate so it mirrors the rate of inflation. Therefore the money you borrow remains the same value. Or at least that’s the plan. The problem, how do you calculate the rate of inflation? The two current methods are Retail Price Index (RPI) and Consumer Price Index (CPI). Before 2003 the Government’s rate of inflation was set by the RPI method, without going into the finer detail this gave the higher rate of interest. But since 2003, The Government has been using CPI as the indicator for rate of inflation. Yet they are still using RPI still to calculate student loan interest. The difference is disgusting.

What’s worse RPI tends to fluctuate more. For the year 06/07 the rate was 2.4% but this year it is 4.8%. Yep doubled. Continue reading Student Loan Interest Rates To Fall

Money Making Report No.8

Money Report
photo by jenn_jenn’s

Welcome to the eighth money making report, here’s the last one.

After blowing away the cob webs that were forming on this site, I found I haven’t written anything constructive since my last report. Disappointing, but I’m nearly ready to put some effort into this. Losing the internet for two weeks didn’t help my life. But it did at least allow me to get some work done on some web projects without distraction.

If I want to move forward I need some targets, to help motivate and focus my mind. So here’s my plan for the next year, from now.

  1. Complete web project A by end of July 08
  2. Complete web project B by end of September 08
  3. Complete web project C by end of October 08
  4. Complete web project D by end of December 08
  5. Complete web project E by end of March 09
  6. And Finally achieve revenue of £500 ($1000) per month by July 09.

By revenue I mean my income from my activities online only. This is only a skeleton plan but hopefully I will add some fine detail to this over the coming months ahead. It’s a start and I hope not too ambitious.

Right to the important stats for the month since the last report… Continue reading Money Making Report No.8