Tag Archives: Marketing

The 4 P’s of Marketing and your Blog, Place!

Marketing Mix
photo by TooFarNorth

Following on from my first, second, third and fourth installment in this series on the marketing mix, I would like to introduce you to the fourth and final ‘P’ of the 4 P’s series.


As with some of the previous P’s place or placement is open to interpretation. To a normal product, it is an outlet where that product is sold, whether thats on the high street or online.

For a blog or website, this is like the external links to your homepage. They are the doors to your business, the more you have, the more potential exposure you can generate. Therefore ultimately leading to more traffic.

One word is used to describe these links, Backlinks, a pretty self explanatory term.

But how do you generate these backlinks? Continue reading The 4 P’s of Marketing and your Blog, Place!

The Secret Power of Viral Videos, You’ve been Rick Rolled

Rick Rolled
photo by Jason McArthur

So admit it you’ve either heard about or have been Rick Rolled. If not, where have you been, Antarctica?

For those who have managed to avoid the Internet over the past 3 months, One video has been causing quite a storm, unusually a music video of

Rick Astley performing “Never Gonna Give You Up” from 1987 the year I was born incidentally.

What happened was a prank, people who clicked on links expecting one thing were suddenly Continue reading The Secret Power of Viral Videos, You’ve been Rick Rolled

The 4 P’s of Marketing and your Blog, Promotion!

Marketing Mix
photo by TooFarNorth

Following on from my first, second and third installment in this series on the marketing mix, I would like to introduce the third ‘P’ of the 4 P’s.


Essentially if no one knows about a product it will never sell. Same with a blog (or website), if no one knows it exists, then no one will read it.

Firstly promotion is all about getting noticed, there are basically two ways to go about this-

  • Stand on a box, shout and scream.
  • Politely go round introducing yourself to everyone.

Ultimately what you do is up to you, there are many different ways such as – Continue reading The 4 P’s of Marketing and your Blog, Promotion!